
Super Idee (listen to my eyeballs roll..)

Student aims for the bottom

A Turkish student is hoping to get into the record books after giving wrong answers to every question in a university entrance exam. Sefa Boyar, from Ankara, deliberately answered all 180 questions wrong as a form of protest against the national university entrance examinations. The complicated system of examinations is considered an ordeal by tens of thousands of students every year. It is reported the construction engineering student said he studied hard ahead of the exams because he still needed to find what the right answers were before opting for the wrong ones. He told Anatolia news agency: "I'm confident. It's a very high possibility that I will end up with zero correct answers."

Ein bisschen so ähnlich waren meine letzten Uniprüfungen gerade. Aber es hat nicht ganz hingehauen - hab doch noch bestanden.


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